Tuesday, November 18, 2008

United We Stand ("Pear-sonification series...)

This is one of many pear paintings I've done and have created titles that personify the pears. The one before this one was called, "Help a Sista!" in which two pears were side by side standing, and the third one had fallen down. The inspiration from this painting came just a day after the election and the feeling that we all need to come together for the greater good. I painted this will a palette knife to acheive some really thick areas of paint and a richness to the color. My intent was to paint differing varieties of pears (colors) to coincide with the title. This was for my recent Art Open House event held this past weekend.

10x20, oil on canvas, $595 SOLD

1 comment:

Donna MacDonald AFCA said...

I love your bright colour palette and your great sense of humour!