Thursday, January 10, 2008

Beach Walk

I did this painting late this evening, and it all clicked! This is the kind of painting session I love! I'm trying to get a few small pieces done for Carole's and my art show and workshop at Rosemary Beach, FL Feb. 1-3 and thought I would do some beach-themed stuff. I shot a few pics last summer when we were at Orange Beach on our family vacation. I have another one started and hope to post in the next day or so. I bought some flat brushes today to produce a different brush effect than what filberts produce. I also bought more masonite in slightly bigger sizes, too. I like the effect! Much harder to photograph, however, as the brush strokes create glare. Tell me what you think!

8x8, oil on masonite, $250, $10 s/h


Julia Adams said...

"Beach Walk" is great! The ocean is really being churned up and the ladies look deep in conversation. Good job Claire!

Anonymous said...

nice light and color

Carole Foret said...

I LOVE this one Sis--it totally rocks! I love it b/c it looks like it was snatched right out of life. That is a picture of 2 women taking that lovely walk on the beach so they can talk. Very relaxed--the water is soothing. Very awesome!